Get instant answers to your question with Google Talk Guru

Get quick answers to your questions with Google Talk Guru

Google has a new Google Labs experiment out called ‘Google Talk Guru’. While not everything that Google labs tests out makes the cut, it is always fun to try the new innovations they are cooking up.

What is Google Talk Guru?

Google Talk Guru is a new Google bot that answers simple queries within Google talk. It responds to several commands and queries covering weather, sports, mathematical calculations, text translation, word definitions, currency conversion and even search Google all from the chat window.

Search for queries with Google Talk Guru

Search for various syntax in the Google chat window itself

How to use Google Talk Guru?

In order to use Google Talk Guru, you first need to send an invitation to in Gmail Chat, Google Talk or any other Jabber client. Since, Google Talk Guru is still an experimental feature, sometimes phrases will not work or will not give you the correct information.

Let us take a look at some examples of how to use the Google Talk Guru.

If you’re looking for the weather, you could type in ‘weather london’. You use the weather command followed by a city.

Various simple commands you can use for easy search results

Various simple commands you can use for easy search results

Is Google Talk Guru worth chatting with?

Like any other software or application in a testing phase; while Google Talk Guru may not work all the time. But it’s definitely makes it easier to search for simple equation without opening up the calculator or finding the definition to a word without pulling up a dictionary all from your chat box. Guru does answer a good variety of questions and it works right within your favorite IM app. It’s well worth adding to your friend list, especially for getting answers on the go on your mobile device of choice.